The Media and Cultural Studies minor provides an interdisciplinary examination of film, video, television, multimedia, visual and digital cultures with a primary emphasis on history and theory and a secondary focus on creative intervention in media environments through production.
A minimum of 24 units (two lower-division courses and four upper-division courses) are required.
Lower-division requirements (2 lower-division courses; at least 8 units)
- MCS 001 - Students are required to take MCS 001 and must receive a “C-/above” in this course to declare MCS as their minor. The department will consider grade petitions on a case-by-case basis.
- 1 lower division course chosen from the following: MCS 002, ART 004/MCS 004, MCS 005, MCS 010, MCS 015, MCS 020, AHS 020/MCS 023
Upper-division requirements (a minimum of 4 courses; at least 16 units)
4 upper division MCS courses (strongly recommended to be taken with MCS faculty) chosen from [at least 16 units]: MCS 102, ANTH 103/MCS 103, ENGL 104/ MCS 104, MCS 105, MCS 106, MCS 107, MCS 108, MCS 109, MCS 110 (E-Z), MCS 111, GSST 112/LGBS 112/MCS 112, MCS 113, CPLT 134/GER 134/JPN 134/MCS 114, MCS 115, MCS 116, MCS 117, GER 118 (EZ)/MCS 118 (E-Z), MCS 119A & MCS 119B, MCS 120, MCS 122, GSST 124/MCS 123/ SEAS 175, MCS 124, LNST 125 (E-Z)/MCS 125 (E-Z)/SPN 125 (E-Z), CPLT 126/GER 126/MCS 126, GSST 166/MCS 127, MCS 128, MCS 129, MCS 130, ART 131/MCS 131, MCS 132, MCS 134, ART 135/MCS 135, ART 136/MCS 136, AHS 136/MCS 137, AHS 137/MCS 138, MCS 139/SOC 139, MCS 140, MCS 141/GER 125/CPLT 125/ EUR125, MCS 142/SEAS 172/GSST 122, MCS 143 (E-Z)/LGBS 143 (E- Z)/ENGL 143 (E-Z), ENGL 144 (E-Z)/MCS 144 (E-Z), ENGL145 (E-Z)/MCS 145 (E-Z), ENGL 146 (E-Z)/MCS 146 (E-Z), MCS 147, MCS 148, MCS 149, ART 150/MCS 150, DNCE 171 (EZ)/MCS 151 (E-Z), DNCE 172 (E-Z)/MCS 152 (E-Z), DNCE 173 (E-Z)/MCS 153 (E-Z), MCS 154, MCS 155/ART 155, MCS 156 (E-Z), MCS 157, MCS 158, MCS 159/URST 159, MCS 160, DNCE 161/MCS 161, DNCE 162/MCS 162, ART 161/MCS 163, MCS 164, MCS 165, MCS 166, MCS 167, MCS 168, MCS 169, MCS 171, MCS 172, MCS 173 (E-Z), MCS 174 (E-Z), MCS 177, MCS 178, MCS 179, MCS 180, MCS 181, MCS 184, MCS 185, MCS 186, MCS 187, MCS 188
- One media production course (4 units) chosen from the list below may be used towards the total of four upper division courses chosen from: ART 140, ART 145, ART 146 (E-Z), ART 155/ MCS 155, ART 167, ART 168, ART 169 (E-Z), ART 175, CS 134, TFDP 101, TFDP 102, TFDP 109, TFDP 132, TFDP 133, TFDP 135, TFDP 138, TFDP 144, TFDP 145, TFDP 155, TFDP 156A, TFDP 156B, TFDP 157, TFDP 166A, TFDP 166B, TFDP 166C, TFDP 167, TFDP 168, TFDP 169